Malou Haine

A Belgian musicologist, Malou Haine graduated with the highest distinction from the Free University of Brussels in 1994. She is the director of the Museum of Musical Instruments, where she began working in 1970. A professor at the Free University of Brussels, she was also director of the “Musique-Musicologie” series published by Pierre Mardaga for 25 years, a series that includes two hundred titles.

Malou Haine has published some forty books: 14 as author or co-author, 20 as scientific director and 5 translated works. She has written over 60 articles in scientific journals and some 660 entries in various dictionaries. She has participated in more than fifty international colloquia.

Special discoveries: in March 1985, Malou Haine found a manuscript by Franz Liszt that was thought to be lost, the orchestration of Jules Zarembski’s Danses galiciennes, which she edited in 2000. The world premiere of this work, broadcast on television (RTBF and TV5), was the highlight of the inauguration of the new Museum of Musical Instruments in June 2000.

She also discovered an unpublished manuscript version of L’Apollonide written by the Parnassian poet Leconte de Lisle (1818-1894), which the Belgian composer Franz Servais (1846-1901) set to music. She has published an edition of this work, accompanied by the unpublished correspondence of 73 letters exchanged between the poet and the composer.

In 2002, Malou Haine also found an original manuscript by Jean Cocteau, which she worked on in collaboration with Professor David Gullentops.


(couverture de Franz Liszt)

Franz Liszt

un saltimbanque en province
and (direction scientifique)
(couverture de Ernest Van Dyck, un ténor à Bayreuth)

Ernest Van Dyck, un ténor à Bayreuth

suivi de la correspondance avec Cosima Wagner

auteur de

  1. chapter « Une amitié franco-belge : Henry Le Bœuf, Henry Prunières et la naissance de La Revue musicale », p. 385-404.
(couverture de Henry Prunières (1886-1942))

Henry Prunières (1886-1942)

un musicologue engagé dans la vie musicale de l’entre-deux-guerres
, , and (direction scientifique)

Format bibliographique à copier

Haine, Malou & Dufetel, Nicolas (direction scientifique). Franz Liszt, un saltimbanque en province, Symétrie, 2007, 448 p.
Haine, Malou. « Une amitié franco-belge : Henry Le Bœuf, Henry Prunières et la naissance de La Revue musicale », Henry Prunières (1886-1942), un musicologue engagé dans la vie musicale de l’entre-deux-guerres, direction scientifique de Myriam Chimènes, Florence Gétreau, and Catherine Massip, Société française de musicologie, 2015, p. 385-404.
Dufetel, Nicolas & Haine, Malou. « Quelque 200 concerts de Liszt en province », Franz Liszt, un saltimbanque en province, direction scientifique de Malou Haine and Nicolas Dufetel, Symétrie, 2007, p. 1-22.
Haine, Malou. « Le «  petit Litz  » en tournée avec son père », Franz Liszt, un saltimbanque en province, direction scientifique de Malou Haine and Nicolas Dufetel, Symétrie, 2007, p. 45-88.
Haine, Malou. « Fin de la tournée française de Liszt en 1845  : petit détour par la Belgique », Franz Liszt, un saltimbanque en province, direction scientifique de Malou Haine and Nicolas Dufetel, Symétrie, 2007, p. 329-348.
Haine, Malou. Ernest Van Dyck, un ténor à Bayreuth, suivi de la correspondance avec Cosima Wagner, Symétrie, 2005, 273 p.