The title of this piece comes from the magnificent great Gregorian antiphon Salve Regina, probably written in the 11th century that has been since inspiring musicians for almost a thousand years.
This mass is therefore mostly written on musical quotations directly deriving from the Gregorian melody. It was composed at two different times: first in 2002 for the Kyrie, the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei, then in 2007 for the Gloria.
It is with deep sincerity that I can say that this piece was truly inspired to me “by” and “for” Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris. This music is indeed intimately intertwined with the sound environment of the cathedral, the richness of its two organs, the quality of the choirs of the Maîtrise, as well as to the particular atmospheres of this unique place, so dear to my heart as a musician and as a Christian for so many years.
Yves Castagnet
(translation Philippe Do)
Audio Excerpts
« Kyrie »
« Gloria »
« Sanctus »
« Agnus dei »
chœur (SATB), grand orgue et orgue de chœur
All available forms