Philippe Malhaire

Philippe Malhaire (born in 1983) holds an Agrégation in Music, a Doctorate in Music and Musicology from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne, a degree in music studies in analysis and the advanced diploma in ear training he obtained at Boulogne-Billancourt Conservatory, and is also apt to a position of Assistant Professor. He is a recognized theoretician in the field of polytonality and wrote many publications on the subject.

One perceives straightaway in Philippe Malhaire’s works an approach which is in nothing speculative. Pure emotion emerges from his scores, showing an extremely sensitive musical personality, driven by a great firmness of mind and moved by a deep ideal. Without ever denying the achievements of modernity, Philippe Malhaire is one of these composers who are aware of the necessity to write “cleverly”, establishing itself on indisputable contrapuntal and harmonious wealth inherited from the tradition.

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(couverture de Chansons incas)

Chansons incas

opus 5
(couverture de Polytonalité, étude historique, théorique et analytique)

« Polytonalité, étude historique, théorique et analytique »

    Format bibliographique à copier

    Malhaire, Philippe. Chansons incas, opus 5, Symétrie, 2016, 19 p.
    Malhaire, Philippe. « Polytonalité, étude historique, théorique et analytique (Tempus Perfectum n° 6) », Tempus Perfectum, n° 6, Symétrie, 42 pages.