Below is the list of all contributors to the works published or distributed by Symétrie.
- David Alagna 8 sheet musics
- Patrick Alliotte 3 books
- Luca Antignani 4 sheet musics
- Simha Arom 2 chapters, 6 articles
- Bojan Assenov 2 sheet musics
- Hervé Audéon 1 chapter, 1 article
- Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau 1 book
- Yves Balmer 7 articles, 2 chapters, 1 book
- Bernard Bardet 1 book
- Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) 11 books, 4 sheet musics
- Nathalie Berton-Blivet 1 chapter, 2 books
- Georges Boeuf 1 sheet music
- Alain Bonardi 2 sheet musics
- Cyril Bongers 1 book, 1 article, 14 sheet musics, 1 chapter
- Charles Bordes (1863-1909) 2 sheet musics
- Pascal Bouteldja 1 book
- Brigitte Bouthinon-Dumas 2 books
- Jean-Christophe Branger 7 articles, 2 books, 20 sheet musics, 6 chapters
- Esteban Buch 2 articles, 4 chapters, 1 book
- Michael Bulley 33 sheet musics
- Patrick Burgan 6 sheet musics
- Florian Caroubi 1 sheet music
- Yves Castagnet 16 sheet musics
- Ernest Chausson (1855-1899) 6 sheet musics
- Pierre-Marie Chemla 1 book
- Myriam Chimènes 2 books, 1 article, 3 chapters
- Sophie Comet 9 issues
- Guy Cornut (1931-2024) 3 books, 1 chapter
- Jean Cras (1879-1932) 7 sheet musics, 1 book
- Nicolas Dalayrac (1753-1809) 4 sheet musics
- François Devienne (1759-1803) 2 sheet musics
- Alexandre Dratwicki 2 sheet musics, 8 books, 3 articles, 14 chapters
- Théodore Dubois (1837-1924) 2 books, 3 sheet musics
- Romain Dumas 5 sheet musics
- Georgie Durosoir 1 book, 3 chapters, 2 articles
- Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger 1 issue, 5 books, 10 articles
- Joël-Marie Fauquet 6 articles, 2 books, 2 chapters
- Henry Fourès 20 sheet musics, 1 book
- Gérard Geay 2 books, 1 chapter
- Anthony Girard 2 books, 17 sheet musics
- Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) 9 sheet musics
- François-Joseph Gossec (1734-1829) 4 sheet musics
- Olivier Greif (1950-2000) 10 sheet musics
- Louis-Charles Grénon 2 sheet musics
- Jean Gribenski 4 chapters, 7 articles, 3 books
- Malou Haine 4 chapters, 2 books
- Louis-Ferdinand Hérold (1791-1833) 15 sheet musics, 4 chapters
- Maurice Hooikammer 9 sheet musics
- Vincent d’Indy (1851-1931) 3 sheet musics
- Hyacinthe Jadin (1776-1800) 5 sheet musics
- Marie Jaëll 2 books, 1 sheet music
- Betsy Jolas 1 chapter, 1 sheet music
- Victorin Joncières (1839-1903) 3 sheet musics
- Kai Köpp 1 book
- Fernand de La Tombelle (1854-1928) 6 sheet musics
- Simon Le Duc (1742-1777) 2 sheet musics
- Philippe Malhaire 1 issue, 1 sheet music
- Étienne-Nicolas Méhul (1763-1817) 10 sheet musics, 1 book
- Cristóbal de Morales 5 sheet musics
- Jean-Marie Morel 18 sheet musics
- Moritz Moszkowski (1854-1925) 4 sheet musics
- Michał Piotr Mrozowicki 2 books
- Sigismund Neukomm 6 sheet musics, 1 issue
- Arthur Oldham (1926-2003) 4 sheet musics
- Max d’Ollone (1875-1959) 24 sheet musics, 1 chapter, 1 article
- George Onslow (1784-1853) 1 book, 6 sheet musics
- Alain Piron 1 book
- Aurelio Porfiri 1 sheet music
- Henri Reber (1807-1880) 3 sheet musics
- Antoine Reicha (1770-1836) 39 sheet musics
- Jérôme Rossi 3 chapters, 1 article, 2 books
- Guy Sacre 29 sheet musics, 3 books, 1 chapter
- Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) 2 books, 1 article, 17 sheet musics
- Henri Sauguet (1901-1989) 1 article, 13 sheet musics
- Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) 6 sheet musics
- Jean-Pierre Sciau 5 sheet musics
- Charlotte Segond-Genovesi 1 book, 1 chapter, 1 article
- Patrick Taïeb 7 chapters, 6 books, 4 articles
- Annie Trolliet-Cornut 1 chapter
- Léon Vallas (1879-1956) 1 book
- Bernard de Vienne 1 sheet music
- Franck Villard 30 sheet musics
- Johann Christoph Vogel (1756-1788) 4 sheet musics
- Nicole Wild (1929-2017) 1 book